Guidelines for teachers

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Guidelines for Teachers, Sports Coaches and Community Leaders

Guidelines for teachers

Thank you for showing interest in YOU CAN SIT WITH ME

We have put together a list of recommendations and guidelines to assist you, however we appreciate that you will run the program the way in which suits your school, sports facility or community initiative.   We feel that not every child should have a wristband, this would cause a “fad” and the purpose will become lost. We have learnt from other schools that it seems to be effective in the years K-6 that each class has 5 wristbands to give out and they are given out at the beginning of the week with the understanding that the children may not want to wear it every day.   We feel that children in leadership roles, peer support or class captains and vice captains should have access to the YOU CAN SIT WITH ME wristbands. We feel that other children who show kindness and compassion should also be considered to be YOU CAN SIT WITH ME ambassadors. However, children who you feel could benefit from wearing the wristband, who are trying to change behaviours or who have earned a wristband should be given an opportunity to be a YOU CAN SIT WITH ME ambassador at the time you feel is appropriate.   What we feel what is important is that the children understand that if they wear a YOU CAN SIT WITH ME wristband it is a commitment for the day. We need the children to understand that if they make this commitment they are not take the wristband off for the duration of the school day or time in which has been allocated to them to wear it.   It is important that the children think carefully prior to wearing the wristband. They need to consider the following points prior to wearing the wristband:

Am I having a good day today, do I feel strong enough to help others?

Am I happy for anyone of any age, race, religion, gender or disability to sit with me today?

Am I too busy today to help other people because I have activities on at recess and lunchtime?

YOU CAN SIT WITH ME, together we are changing lives


1. Begin by hosting an information session with your school’s faculty and staff. Highlight the importance of creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all students. Make sure everyone understands the purpose of the program and how it will be implemented. We can provide all the material and resources free of charge.

2. Create a YOU CAN SIT WITH ME committee that will be responsible for setting up and maintaining the program. The committee should include the school’s wellbeing leader.

3. Develop a plan for the implementation of the program. We suggest implementing the program at the beginning of term, around one of our events or even on YOU CAN SIT WITH ME day! This plan should include details such as who will be responsible for monitoring and supervising the program and how the program will be evaluated.

4. Make sure that the whole school community has access to the program. This includes providing information about the program for parents, students and teachers. This information is free and printable from our guideline tab and we have video content we can share with you too!

5. Implement the program and see for yourself how a simple yellow wristband with a life changing message changes lives and create an inclusive community!

Please contact us if you have any questions or require any resources or materials.


Simply order individual wristbands or you can purchase bulk quantities for your school, club or community via


We recommend these guidelines are shared (see the section below, especially for children) with students by the Principal or Club Manager in assembly and also reiterated by the wellbeing team, classroom teacher or sports coach.

We strongly recommend these guidelines are either emailed home to parents or you may feel more appropriate to re-write on your own letterhead and explain how your school will run the program along with the other anti-bullying and positive behavior programs you have active at your school or club.

We suggest that parents are educated so everyone in the whole community is working cohesively to support the life changing message.

Please check out our resources page, we have free resources including posters to display in key areas at your school or club!


We do not sell the bands for fundraising purposes however we sell water bottles, pencils and bag tags for fundraisers. We strongly feel that if every child wears a band that the message is lost and will become a fad that fades away. We don’t want that to happen as we have a long term vision for these 5 simple, beautiful words to be a part of all schools and clubs’ positive behavior and anti-bullying guidelines.


Email us at [email protected] or contact us using the contact us form on the website.

Please give us any feedback, we welcome your expertise. Please share with us what has and hasn’t worked in your school, community and sports clubs. We will be constantly updating this document with your support.

Our goal is to be able to embed the YOU CAN SIT WITH ME campaign into all schools by the end of 2025 and with your help together we will help support fellow Australian children.

YOU CAN SIT WITH ME, together we can and we are changing lives.

Download Guidelines for Teachers