YCSWM Yellow Wrist Band Primary school – Small


SKU: Yellow Wrist Band Category:

You are purchasing one (1) YCSWM Wrist Band.

Size: Small (for kids)

Colour: Yellow with Black words

YOU CAN SIT WITH ME wrist bands helps new children starting a new school, joining a new sports club or community. It benefits children who are having friendship issues or difficulties at school, at their sporting facilities or in their communities. When children sees someone wearing this bright yellow wrist band, they know that they have someone they can talk to and sit with.

The wristbands are to be ordered through your school, sporting club, or community group. When making your order, you will be required to provide the name of your school, sporting club or community group. This will be check and verified before the product is sent to you. If there are any concerns, your order will be cancelled and payment amount will be refunded.

Disclaimer – YOU CAN SIT WITH ME will use best endeavours to check that all schools, sporting clubs, and community groups are registered before fulfilling any order of wristbands. YOU CAN SIT WITH ME will furthermore use best endeavours to check that the institution, club, or sporting group, has a working with children number and/or police checks.

YOU CAN SIT WITH ME takes no responsibility for anyone wearing the wristband with unlawful intent.